


Yoichiro Kamei – Monocrystal 1


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Artist: Yoichiro Kamei
Title: Monocrystal 1
Date: 2014
Measures:  25.5 x 25.5 x 5 cm
Technique: slip casting porcelain / porcellana a colaggio
The work includes a panel to hang it on the wall / L’opera comprende un pannello per appenderla a parete.


“Lattice receptacle” series is a work of art made out of porcelain lattice structure as a fundamental form. Its creation is constructed by the accumulation of the base unit (cubic hollow) that is formed regularly by slip casting technique. For his expression in ceramics, the form and the internal space are most important themes.
“Every void plays a role as a receptacle, and they may find meaning of existence by having themselves fulfilled somehow. It is the same principle underlies the void “on a plate” and the void “in space”. I believe that a further development in representing ceramic art holds a potential to satisfy people’s open senses, and invites us to the infinite experiences.”
The production method of unit accumulation derives geometric and formative aesthetics that also creates the capacity of space and density. The internal space that is opened by lattice structure becomes a device to receive lights, and together with permeability of porcelain it emphasizes the aspects of lights and shadows.


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